Thursday, April 19, 2007

Keeping a Stable Society

For any nation, tribe, family, or any kind of group entity at all, there will always be someone who holds more power than others. However, in the vast majority of examples, the one who is in charge of that power does not use it the way they are meant to use it. They become corrupt, wasteful, and insensitive and the list goes on and on. So what is the right way to use power? Naturally, power should be used in a way that will benefit the society below it. And how can this be achieved? In order for power to benefit society, it must be used to keep society together, and to maintain content among the majority of its members.

If power cannot keep society together, it is not being used correctly. It seems like an easy task, to force everybody to obey you. But that is only part of the task: merely bringing the society together. The real challenge is to keep it that way indefinitely. A naïve outlook on the means of staying in power is that one has to live up to the virtues that one’s subjects expect. However, this is not true, as Machiavelli describes in his guide The Prince, “A man who wishes to act entirely up to his professions of virtue soon meets with what destroys him among so much that is evil.” The Prince character, on the other hand, navigates around this demise by thinking ahead, to his future. He realises that if he tries to exercise all the virtues that an ideal prince should have, he will eventually run out of resources. So instead, he is careful about choosing the right things to be virtuous about, and the right things to hold back on. For example, he is not generous, but by doing this, he saves money that in the future could be used to prevent tax increases. Thus, by starting out with little virtuosity, the Prince is able to increase his favorability with the rest of the people over time by thinking ahead. To get a better idea of what happens when the one in control is not as enlightened as Machiavelli’s Prince, we compare Big Nurse from the novel One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest by Ken Kesey. She was able to grasp power in the beginning by being the Administrator of the facility, but instead of looking ahead, she chose to pursue selfish goals through despotism. McMurphy, one of the patients, said that “[Big Nurse] is a ball cutter… people [like her] try to make you weak so they can get you to toe the line, to follow their rules, to live like they want you to” (57). Because of her lack of concern for the future, the Big Nurse is not able to keep her power through the end of the novel. Her subjects, after being enlightened by McMurphy of the Nurse’s evils, finally rebel, and her society falls apart.

The Prince was an example of suppressing virtues in order to keep society together in the long run. The Big Nurse was an example of a complete lack of virtues that would have helped keep the society together. A third outlook is the forced exhibition of characteristics that are perceived to be virtuous by the general public. George Orwell, in his autobiographical incident “Shooting and Elephant,” demonstrates that sometimes it is impossible to follow Machiavelli’s advice. At one point in the story, “I perceived … that when the white man turns tyrant it is his own freedom that he destroys. He becomes a sort of hollow, posing dummy, the conventionalized figure of a sahib. For it is the condition of his rule that he shall spend his life in trying to impress the ‘natives’, and so in every crisis he has got to do what the ‘natives’ expect of him.” This directly contradicts Machiavelli’s conclusion that if a ruler refrains from doing what the subjects expect of him, he will be able to keep them together better later on. Instead, Orwell is obligated to follow the natives’ expectations in order to keep peace. If he does not do as they expect, then he will lose his hierarchical standing amongst his subjects, and he will start to be looked down upon by them, which is more or less the equivalent of losing power, and bringing chaos to the society. In conclusion, one thing remains clear: forgetting about virtues that the ideal holder of one’s authority would have leads to the eventual collapse of society, thus failing the objective of a good ruler. If one does remember those virtues, however, then it becomes tricky to know when, or when not to display the virtues. This is why looking ahead and considering all possible consequences is such an important method of solving this issue: if the ruler can analyse what will happen either way, then he or she will most likely choose the correct path. Remembering virtues, and choosing wisely which to strive towards achieving and which to suppress, will guarantee that the society stays together, which is one objective of using power correctly.

Keeping subjects in order for the duration of one’s reign is one of the most important facets of a good ruler. However, is it enough? Say, for example, that the Big Nurse really did remember her potential virtues, and was just suppressing them, trying to follow Machiavelli’s teachings. Why did she still go wrong at the end of the novel? Her society did seem to be staying together, until McMurphy showed up, that is. The answer can be found in George Orwell’s reasoning: no matter how hard you try, you cannot keep a society together unless they are satisfied with your usage of power. Of course, Orwell’s subjects would probably much rather live independently of the colonizers, but for the moment, the situation is kept stable, because the subjects are satisfied with the ruler’s use of power. Orwell’s despotism succeeds while Big Nurse is unable to reach the same objective because her subjects gain the ability to admit how awfully unhappy they truly are under her rule. After McMurphy tries to persuade Harding, another patient at the ward, of how horrible the Big Nurse really is, Harding finally says “You are right … about all of it. … No one’s ever dared come out and say it before, but there’s not a man among us that doesn’t think it, that doesn’t feel just as you do about her and the whole business—feel it somewhere down deep in his scared little soul” (59). Once everyone else understood that they would have support from the other patients if they voiced their dislike about the Big Nurse, the Nurse’s power immediately dropped quite far. One on one, it is impossible to defeat the sheer mass of the Nurse’s authority, but together, it does not seem like such an impossible task any longer, and the patients begin to rebel. That is why a dictatorship based on negative incentive is a risky tactic to indulge in: if one’s subjects are unhappy, they can potentially realize that there is a possibility of changing the power structure, thus rendering one’s efforts at suppressing them useless. George Orwell realizes this point, which is why he acted the way that he did. Had he not done as the natives expected him to, he would have lowered his apparent power, showing weakness, and the natives would have seen that he is not so formidable after all, opening the door for rebellion. Contrary to this totalitarianism, McMurphy proves himself to be a benevolent leader, trying to make his followers feel comfortable around him. A great example is when, on one of many recurring meetings, the patients become bolder to do what they always wanted to do, encouraged by the presence of McMurphy. Chief Bromden says that “Now that McMurphy was around to back them up, the guys started letting fly at everything that had ever happened on the ward they didn’t like” (145). McMurphy, though he is a leader, does not employ the same tactics as any of the characters mentioned above to use his power. Instead of manipulating his subjects to stay submissive to his authority, he manipulates the environment of his subjects to create favorability for himself. For example, he shows the patients in the ward that there is still hope in the battle against Big Nurse, thus manipulating the atmosphere into a more comfortable state. This tactic is highly effective at keeping his followers satisfied, proving to be highly superiour to that of Big Nurse when every patient joined McMurphy’s side by the end of the novel, parting from Big Nurse’s control. McMurphy’s method of seeking out the needs and wants of his followers and acting to improve conditions for them based on this knowledge is the best way to use power to keep those under the authority mostly satisfied.

In conclusion, two most effective forms of power are evident. The first keeps the society together well, but is unstable concerning the satisfaction of the subjects, who might rebel against the authority for making their life miserable. The second keeps the subjects happy, but is rather weak in keeping the society together, because this happens passively. If the subjects suddenly decided to disband, there would be nothing to prevent them from doing so, as opposed to the first method discussed. So if the ideal way to use power to benefit society is to do both things very well: to keep society together, and relatively happy, then is it feasible to put the two aforementioned methods together? Unlikely, because while the Prince is manipulating his subjects (though not as overtly as most dictators), McMurphy is manipulating the environment around them. Now, if a ruler was to both manipulate the subjects and the environment at the same time, the two tactics would contradict each other, only making matters worse for the ruler. And, obviously, if the ruler were to do neither, he or she would not be a ruler at all. Therefore, a potential ruler is faced with a decision to either focus on keeping the society together, or keeping the followers happy, and it is crucial to make the right choice with respect to the circumstances. In practicality, there is no possible way to use power ideally, but it is possible to get close by choosing the right of two methods according to the type of society, and most likely, the unstable half of the tactic will not be a problem.

Sunday, April 01, 2007

The benefits of learning Japanese

The Japanese language seems at first impossible. Not only does it sound and feel completely different from any kind of western dialect, but there three different writing systems! However, it is not as incredible a feat as it seems to learn Japanese. Learning this language is both extremely beneficial, and practical.

First of all, Asian languages make up almost a third of the languages spoken on the Internet. English takes up another third, and the European languages bundled together take the last. Japanese is the most prevalent language of all the Asian languages, so it is clearly an important language to know. But why does the internet matter when learning a language? There are a few reasons for this. Japan has the second largest economy in the world, which means that its residents are not stingy about what they buy. If you are a salesman, or someone wanting to get as many people to buy your product as you can, then investing in learning Japanese will increase your success as much as twofold, because you will be able to sell your product to all those Japanese-speaking consumers that were blocked off from you previously.

If you are not looking for business, then there is still a wide open door of opportunities to enjoy the benefits of learning Japanese. If, as stated previously, Japanese is the third most widely used language on the internet, then by learning Japanese, it will be possible to communicate with these people, who may potentially have radically different experiences and beliefs than people brought up in Western cultures. By bridging the language gap between you, the different parties can share their experiences and get a taste for what the culture on the other side of the world is like. Thus, even if business and making money is not your top priority online, learning Japanese can bring much excitement and many new experiences into your life.

Now we have arrived to the logistical reason why learning Japanese isn’t as hard as it seems. First of all, the Japanese writing system has a phœnetic alphabet, which can be used in place of all Chinese characters to help beginners. This alphabet is very helpful, because, unlike English words such as “acquiesce” or even “mice,” there is no ambiguity in how to pronounce a written Japanese word like there is in English. Secondly, Japanese grammar can be a lot simpler than English grammar. For example, the verbs only have present and past forms, unlike English, which has perfect, imperfect, pluperfect, future, &c. Similarly, the nouns do not have genders or plural forms, and the accompanying articles such as “a” or “the,” which are always impossible for English learners to master, are absent in Japanese. Overall, Japanese may look baffling when briefly glanced at, but most of it is quantity, and not complexity. Therefore, learning Japanese is a relatively easy task, especially compared to an ambiguous and almost completely random language such as English.

There is no doubt about it: one way or another, learning Japanese will make your life richer (in any sense of the word) and more satisfying. And since you now know that it’s not such a difficult task to learn it after all, why not go for it? There is nothing to lose in learning Japanese, and everything to gain. Bridge the gap between yourself and all those Japanese speaking people on the internet and all over the world in general, and make friends with people who you never thought you would be able to speak with before. And if you are really serious about learning that vocabulary, then try, a website devoted to creating flashcards to aid the memorization process so you can get to using your new skill as fast as possible!

Saturday, March 31, 2007

The Benefits of the Nuremberg Trials

Antony Zhukovskiy

Mike Messner

United States History

The Benefits of the Nuremberg Trials

The Second World War did not end on the battlefield. It ended in a court at Nuremberg. These trials put a closing stamp on the war that has remained a prominent topic in history to this day. From nation to nation, the trials brought relief to those who have suffered throughout WWII at the hands of the Nazi Fascists. The Nuremberg trials should have taken place, because they revealed terrible crimes against humanity and peace, and crimes of war, and also because they were the starting point of the Denazification process, and the improvement of the international justice system.

One of the most important facets of the Nuremberg trials was the unmasking of horrible crimes that were committed against humanity. During the course of both World War II, and the Holocaust, the Nazi Germans indulged in a series of increasingly atrocious actions against Jews and other minorities. It all began when the Fuehrer Adolf Hitler persuaded the German public that the problems of the German nation were to be blamed on the Jews. One by one, the Jews began to be deprived of their rights as citizens of the Nation. In 1935, at the Nazi party’s national convention in Nuremberg, two laws were passed, which successfully removed Jews from all of the areas of German political, social, and economic life. Some may argue that this is a perfectly allowable legislation, as the government has the power do decide how to treat its citizens and what rights they have. Notwithstanding, the level of deprivation that the Nazi party stooped to was so profound that it alone is enough to incriminate them based on common sense. The Nazi regime, however, was not satisfied with this course of action. Before long, they began to force the relocation of these Jews and other minorities to Ghettos and labor camps. This is a violation of two of our well known, natural freedoms that we as Americans consider to be inalienable: the right to liberty, and the right to the pursuit of happiness, and the fact that it was reaffirmed at the Trials made the rest of the world feel safer. The last, and most outstanding crime committed by the Nazi party against humanity was the mass murder of nearly an entire race, which was additionally accomplished by means that are torturous, and unnecessarily violent. This is the final infringement upon our natural rights: the right to life. By learning of all the grotesque experiences of the innocent men, women, and children who entered the death camps, the least the staff of the Nuremberg Trials could do to amend this atrocity is to try those responsible and to bring them to justice. During the course of the Nuremberg Trials, countless amounts of evidence were brought fourth to the jury, revealing in sequence these Nazi crimes. And one by one, the crimes against humanity were recognized, and their perpetrators punished. In this way, the trials were vital in establishing international guidelines for common sense, and attempting to prevent the crimes committed against the innocent people of a nation from ever happening again.

Crimes against humanity were not the only unclean acts that the Nazis had committed during their reign. There were numerous crimes made against peace itself by the German leaders. The most obvious of such crimes was the rapid rearmament of the German military after the Treaty of Versailles, having been passed, clearly stated that Germany was to keep their military at a certain, and very low level. The fact that the Fascist leaders agreed to break the rule set out by the other nations, was an action against the peace that they were trying to preserve. This is clearly not an acceptable way to carry out the terms of defeat for a nation, and should be punishable by law. Moreover, the case of rapid rearmament is a specific case that stems from a much broader issue. The Nazis broke many such peace treaties, such as the peace treaty with Czechoslovakia and the peace treaty with the Soviet Union. By disregarding these treaties, and actively invading the unsuspecting countries, Germany was heedlessly disrupting the already tentative guidelines set up to try to prevent a Second World War after the First had happened. This kind of aggressive behaviour is indeed what the Treaty of Versailles was trying to stamp out, which is why the Nuremberg Trials were important in enforcing those guidelines by punishing those who do not heed them.

So far, it has been made clear that the Nuremberg Trials were a valuable process after the Second World War, because they made sure that the Nazis didn’t get away with their awful crimes. However, the Trials had different consequences, as well. In fact, they played a major role in kick-starting the Denazification process of Europe. First of all, if the criminals weren’t properly tried and the consequences not properly carried out as they were at Nuremberg, the Nazi leaders would have become idols of Germany, ready to start a new Fascist state as soon as the country settled down some. Second, if Nuremberg had really been an unfair trial as, according to Mr. Messner, German historians say, then the Nazi leaders would have become martyrs hanged by tyrants. However, the trials were completely fair, and the defendants were allowed their own attorneys of their choosing, and a fair jury. Thus, the trials were very fair, and the sentences completely justified. Additionally, the uncovering of the many Fascist documents of the grotesque scenes that happened with respect to the Jews, and the concentration and death camps showed the rest of the world what horrors Fascism could bring about if allowed to take over the political situation. Therefore, the Nuremberg Trials were key in preventing the spread of Fascism by showing the horrors it can entail.

Lastly, it is necessary to mention the tremendous improvement of the international justice system as a direct result of the Nuremberg Trials. Before the Trials had been organized, there was no practical way to try and to sentence an international criminal, the actions of whom would not have been recognized as criminal within his or her own country. However, the Trials organized a group of nations in such a way that it was possible for them to communicate, and to cooperate on leading the Trials and to have an equal say in a fair, western-style trial. One of the more substantial consequences of the increased international justice is the creation of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights (left), which specified the rights of every single individual around the globe. Without the trial, there would not have been enough evidence to reveal the need for this document, and many people around the world would have been left wanting of rights.

In conclusion, it is apparent that the Nuremberg Trials were very necessary because of two overarching points. The Nazi criminals must not have been allowed to go free without being punished for all of the atrocities that they committed before the world, and the international justice system was greatly improved and outlined much more carefully. With the coming of greater, more destructive technology, it was an urgent necessity for the world to unite under a more common banner, so that the anger, hatred, and aggressiveness of Fascism and the Nazis would never recur to bring such massive destruction to the world ever again. There was one problem that was never addressed however. And that is the fact that there were many American, French, and especially Russian leaders and officers that also acted in a criminal way when compared with the rulings at Nuremberg. It is assumed that their crimes, much like the crimes of the Nazis, have not been overlooked, and that the date for their trial shall be announced in the future.


Biddle, Francis. “Nuremberg: The Fall of the Supermen.” American Heritage; XIII, #5, p. 65. Aug. 1962.

Goldensohn, Leon. The Nuremberg Interviews. Alfred A. Knopf: New York, 2004.

Rice Jr., Earle. The Nuremberg Trials. Lucent Books: San Diego, 1997.

Austin, Ben S. “The Nuremberg Trials: The Defendants and Verdicts.”

Nuremberg: Tyranny On Trial. The History Channel; A & E Home Video.