Friday, April 07, 2006

Chapter 4 answers of Latin 1 book

I) Exercise b

1) Romanus; Marcus is a Roman boy.

2) Currunt; Flavia and Cornelia run in the garden.

3) Amici; Marcus and Sextus are friends.

4) Servus; Marcus is not a slave.

5) Servi; the boys are not slaves.

6) Ascendit; Marcus will not climb the tree.

7) Marce; Marcus, why won’t you climb the tree?

8) Britannicus; Davus is a British man.

9) Defessae; Cornelia and Flavia are tired.

10) Multi/laborant; Many slaves work in Italy.

II) Exercise c

1) Sextus Davum saepe vexat; Sextum Davus non amat. – Sextus often annoys Davus; Davus does not like Sextus.

2) Puellae Marcum et servum conspiciunt. – The girls catch sight of Marcus and the slave.

3) Magna vox puellam terret. – The loud voice frightens the girl.

4) Magnam arborem Sextus ascendit. – Sextus climbs a big tree.

5) Pueri fragorem audiunt et in hortum currunt. – The boys hear the noise and run into the garden.

6) Davus, qui fragorem audit, est iratus. – Davus, who hears the noise, is angry.

III) Exercise d

1) Sextus semper Cornelia vexat.

2) Cornelia est defessa et sub arbore dormit.

3) Marcus ad arborem currit et puerum molestum conspicit.

4) Nihil Sextum terret.

5) Marcus fragorem audit.

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