Friday, April 07, 2006

Bio quiz

ATP review:

1) What does ATP stand for? ( spell correctly!): ATP stands for adenosine triphosphate.

2) What 3 things make up ATP? One molecule of adenine, one molecule of ribose, and three molecules of phosphate.

3) What is cell energy? Cell energy is the ability to work.

4) Completeness summary of what we eat for energy and how it gets converted: (from notes). Energy a stored in covalent bonds ATP is the only energy source cells can use.

5) Write the equation that shows how energy is released from ATP: ATP à ADP+ PO4+ energy

6) Write the equation showing how excess energy is toward an ATP: ADP+PO4+ energy à ATP

7) What is the enzyme involved in the process of releasing energy and what is its job? The enzyme involved is ATPase, and its job is to cleave the bond between the second and third phosphate groups.

Aerobic and anaerobic respiration

1) Write the complete balanced equation for cellular respiration: C6H12O6+6O2 àfood energy à6H2O+6CO2+~ 36 ATP

2) How many ATP molecules are created for cell use of the end of aerobic respiration? Glycolysis, the first stage of aerobic respiration, creates two molecules of ATP. The Krebs cycle, the second stage of aerobic respiration, creates another two. Finally, the electron transport chain creates 32 more ATP molecules. In total, aerobic respiration creates 36 molecules of ATP.

3) What step makes the most ATP molecules? Electronic transfer chain creates 32 molecules, which is 30 more than the other two steps.

4) What is oxygen’s job in aerobic respiration? Oxygen collects electrons from the electron transport chain and combines them with hydrogen ions to make water.

5) What is the waste product produced by the Krebs cycle? The waste product is three carbon dioxide molecules.

6) One humans exercise and not enough oxygen is available, what do their muscles produce? Their muscles produce lactic acid.

7) Alcoholic fermentation takes place in which organisms? Alcoholic fermentation takes place in most bacteria.

8) Write the three steps of aerobic respiration:

a. Glycolysis

b. Krebs cycle

c. The electron transport chain

9) What are the steps of anaerobic respiration, and write the number of ATP produced at each? I am not sure about this question.

10) Where does Glycolysis take place? Glycolysis takes place in the cell cytoplasm.

11) Where does the Krebs cycle take place? The Krebs cycle takes place in the mitochondrial material.

12) Where does the electronic transport system take place? The electronic transport system takes place on the inner mitochondrial membrane.

13) What does anaerobic mean? Anaerobic means not requiring oxygen.

14) What is the initial reactant for the entire process of respiration? The initial reactant is a molecule of glucose.

15) What does Glycolysis do? Glycolysis splits a glucose molecule into two pyruvate molecules and also creates a net total of two ATP molecules.

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