Monday, March 13, 2006

A Kooky Kind of Klass

What would a man do if he didn’t have a wife and didn’t want to go to the nearest restaurant? Cook! I have discovered many different things in foods class. Using equipment ceased to be a problem after I took this elective. I have learned how to organize the kitchen to really help myself work. Foods has not only helped me cook better, but it also taught me much on other subjects.

First, discovery has played an important role in foods this semester. I have discovered that not all recipes look the same as they taste. The leek and potato soup looks like something you would feed a prisoner when you yourself are starving, but as soon as I tried it, I gulped it down like it was the best thing I have ever tasted. On the home meal project, I cooked a cranberry crunch, and even though it was burnt, warped and distorted, with the sugar in the wrong place, it still tasted really good. I have also discovered that measuring out ingredients exactly is often unnecessary. Thus, discovery played a major role in foods.

Second, I learned how to use the equipment properly. When I first came to foods, I had no idea what some of the things were for. Ms. Andersen explained all of the items, however, and now I know what a ladle, griddle and others are. Equipment also includes ingredients. I learned how to handle different kinds of components and how to use them. Now I know that you should mix dough with a fork, and that you cut long thin things with a French knife. Use of equipment is a vital factor when it comes to foods.

Finally, organization was a very important attribute in my class. If you do not keep the kitchen organized, it creates a huge mess, and no one wants to clean it up. If you keep everything organized, however, then you will only take out the things that you need, and keep the mess to a minimum. As a foods student, I think that organization is one of the key concepts in my class.

The more important part of this elective is not that I know more electives, but that I know ways to help myself at my own house in the future. Many new things have been discovered by me. I know how to use the equipment in the kitchen now. I have become much more organized after going through this semester. Foods may sound boring, but it is really great and fun for any one.

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