Monday, March 13, 2006

The Quick-Minded Pig

What would you do if you were chased by a monster who wants to eat you? In the Three Little Pigs by Paul Galdone, there are three pigs that try to escape from a wolf by building houses. After committing many crimes, the wolf gets punished by the third little pig. The third little pig quickly figures out how to get material for a shelter. He escapes the cunning wolf repeatedly by using fast thinking. The pig thinks of how to prevent the wolf from getting into his house through a chimney. The third little pig is quick-minded, because he can quickly think his way out of tense situations.

When the third little pig needs to build a house, he quickly figures out where to get material for building it from. The three little pigs are hunted by a wolf, and decide to build houses, each of different material. The third little pig decides to build his house out of bricks. So when he was walking along, “The pig met a man with a load of bricks and said, ‘Please, man, give me those bricks to build me a house,’ ” (Page #4). When the pig sees the man, he quickly realizes the chance he has for getting building material, and asks the man for it. This proves that the pig is quick minded, since he reacted so quickly to the situation. The third little pig quickly decides how to solve the problem of finding objects to build his house out of by using his quick brain.

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